How to uninstall an Outlook Add-in (or any other Office Add-in)?

There is currently only one way to uninstall an Outlook Add-in:

  • directly in Outlook via the “Get Add-ins” button in the “Home” section of the Outlook Ribbon Bar


Uninstallation of Add-ins directly in Office applications like Outlook 2016 (or Outlook 2016 for Mac / Outlook on the web)

  1. Just open your Microsoft Outlook 2016 application, select the mailbox where you want to uninstall the Add-in and navigate to the “Home” section of your Ribbon bar. Click on “Get Add-Ins” to open the Add-in store.
    Click on Get Add-ins in the "Home" Ribbon bar of Outlook 2016
  2. If you cannot see the “Get Add-ins” Button you selected the wrong mailbox (e. g. another public mailbox of Apple or Google) or your company Administrator disabled the installation of Add-ins during your usage of the Add-in. In that case please get in touch with your IT support.
  3. In the Add-ins window please choose “My add-ins” in the left navigation menu. Choose the Add-in you want to uninstall, click on the “three dots” and choose “Remove”.
    Removing Add-ins in Outlook 2016
  4. After a few seconds, Outlook will show you the successful uninstallation.
    Outlook Add-in succesfully removed in Outlook 2016


We’re really sorry that you removed Reply with attachment! Help us to get better!

It is very sad for us that you have removed Reply with attachment and we would like to know more about it. We are always interested in hearing your reasons and making the add-in even better. Feel free to contact Thomas directly on LinkedIn or via email